Established in 2018

Prayforleadersnow Forum came into being as a result of several crises happening in  various nations and communities of the world. Defective leadership has led to breakdown of law and order. In almost all continents of the world, you see and read of terrorism, religious wars, uncontrollable corruption in high and low places, idolatry, financial crisis of all sorts, recession, lack of fairness, justice, and equity in governance, community pandemonium, civil disobedience, and lately corona virus pandemic!.

NOTE THIS! World experts and the best brains with all their articulate and meticulous research works, failed woefully in preventing crisis and proffering any sustainable solutions.

WHAT THEN DO WE DO OTHER THAN START, CONTINUE, PERSEVERE TO PRAY, PRAY AND PRAY TO OUR GOD ALMIGHTY  without ceasing. A lot of decisions may require some common sense but due to greed and injustice, things are not done rightly. Prayers for wisdom, fairness, equity and common sense may be required for right actions to be taken. We on this blog have resolved to do that and heavenly hosts shall say Amen to our prayers.


Nathaniel Olade is an ordained Minister of the Gospel. He has a burning passion for divine pragmatic solutions to all chaotic problems encountered in this world by believers. Fervent prayers constitute a major spiritual weapon and shield in the war against evil. Nath’s background and training span across five decades of experience as Corporate Manager, High School Science Teacher, Adjunct Faculty Lecturer, Devry University, Long Beach, California,  Entrepreneur and Software/Web Consultant. He obtained secular and seminary degrees in Agriculture, Business Administration, Software Engineering, Theology and Christian Education.

He believes that if all believers in God passionately pursue societal problems and  complexities  with fervency, earnestness and diligence in prayers, the will of God shall ultimately be done on earth as is being done in heaven!. James 5:17 tells us that Elijah was as human as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the land! DO WE BELIEVE THIS? All things are possible to him who believes. (Mark 9:23).  Let this humble plea from the scriptures be your take-away from this website. 

S  H  A  L  O  M

Dr. Nathaniel o. Olade B.Sc M.Sc MBA Ph.D


  1. To engage believers in aggressively praying always for divine guidance and wisdom for leaders in all human endeavors.
  2. To admonish leaders to administer in love, truth, fairness, compassion and Godliness. Wisdom of God is key.
  3. To entreat believers of all faiths to stand up in battle against demonic thrones and evil altars that are means of attack against  the people and also the leaders themselves in all nations of the world.
  4. That the will of God be done in the lives of our leaders, so that they will always be making policies and decisions that will please God at all times. Our effectual fervent prayers shall move the world!.

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  1. Our ultimate goal is to see God establish leadership that is not afraid to believe in Him and His Son Jesus Christ.
  2. That everyone labelled as a leader in any vocation, will receive Divine visitation as recorded in the scriptures.
  3. There is a strong desire for change when God visits us. God visited Moses, Joseph, Daniel, Nehemiah, Obed-Edom, and Paul. Guess what! They were never the same!!
  4. It is obedience to the Great Commission in Matthew 28:19-20 that shall wholly set us free.
  5. The battle for effective evangelism is a real spiritual battle. LET’S GO!
