
‘Jihad of the Womb’: Watchdog details systemic abduction of Christian girls in Egypt

By Samuel Smith, U.S. Editor –Tuesday, September 15, 2020 Coptic Christians attend a church service during Holy Easter week in central Cairo, Egypt, April 17, 2014. | (Photo: Reuters/Asmaa Waguih) -courtesy Coptic Solidarity A watchdog group has shed more light on the widespread abduction, trafficking and exploitation of Coptic Christian women and girls in Egypt, highlighting the cases

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Tony Evans Urges Christians to Vote According to the Word of God

John Paluska | Pastor Tony Evans took to the pulpit on Sunday and preached a sermon of reflection and admonition, calling on the church to vote according to what the Bible actually says and not just according to a person’s personal opinion of the Bible. According to The Christian Post, Evans states “The Kingdom perspective is

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