From the scriptures, God spoke to Prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 33: 3 as follows:

 ” Call unto Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know .” No problem is too mighty for God to solve. You just got to raise your prayer shield and see what our God of miracles can do for you when you diligently put your trust in Him.


  1. Our heavenly Father, we call upon you to rescue the nations from collapse under the agenda of satan the wicked one.
  2. Let your anointing of the Holy Spirit come upon leaders of all nations so that they will be divinely directed to do what is right and prosperous for their citizens.
  3. Oh Lord, let there be divine visitation upon the leaders and the citizens in the land.May your divine visitation usher in peace, love, deliverance and abundance in all things.
  4. We pray for revival in all the nations of the world. Let revival come upon the territories of China, Russia and the Muslim nations.
  5.  Let the hearts of kings and rulers of nations be turned to the Lord. Proverbs 21:1 says, “The King’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water : He turneth it whithersoever He will.”
  6. O God of heaven’s army, send your warrior angels against the altars of baal and other evil altars in all the nations of the world like in the days of Elijah the prophet.
  7. Let all our leaders in government, congress, industry and the church, speak and act with honesty, integrity, truth and godliness in all situations. In the precious name of Jesus we pray. Amen